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Cafe Table and Chairs | Valentine's Day DIY

Cafe Table and Chairs | Valentine's Day DIY

, by Gene Howard, 5 min reading time

Give your furniture a fresh look for Valentine's Day with this easy DIY project. With Amy Howard at Home products, it's simple and affordable to restore old pieces yourself!

In this DIY project, we'll show you how easy it is to restore a worn cafe table and chairs with just a bit of paint! Even if you've never painted before, we give you everything you need to Rescue, Restore, and Redecorate.


What Exactly is DIY?

To DIY is to Do It Yourself. Why hire a professional and pay an exorbitant amount of money when you can do the job yourself? 

What you'll love about DIY:

  • Save money and refresh your own furniture instead of throwing it away
  • Enjoy the Bragging Rights when you let others know you've done it yourself!
  • Learn new skills as we give you all the instruction you need

Grab your favorite stencil designs and start adding artistic elements to your furniture and accents without any drawing or painting skills!

Why You Should DIY

Over 28 million pieces of furniture are thrown away in the US every year, ending up in landfills. At Amy Howard at Home, we believe in rescuing, restoring, and redecorating and we give you the ability to do just that. DIY is also an outlet for creative expression and might just be the new hobby you never knew you needed!

What You Need to DIY

The tools needed for your own DIY project could be as few as a single can of paint and a paint brush. You can make your project as simple or as complex as you like with the Amy Howard at Home products. We give you the teaching and the tools to create old world vintage finishes or more simple sleek and modern looks.


Cafe Table & Chairs | Valentine's Day DIY


Step 1: Gather Supplies

For this specific project, we used the following products:


Step 2: Prep

First you will clean your piece using Clean Slate. Take a lint free rag (or an old t-shirt) and wet with the Clean Slate. Rub your piece down all over to eliminate all dust, grease, or dirt on all flat surfaces as well as any corners and tight areas where there might be build up. Once done, allow to dry 15-20 minutes.


Step 3: Paint

Once the Clean Slate has dried, take the 1.5" Chip Brush and the Black One Hour Miracle Paint and start painting! The Miracle Paint will go on very smoothly, is self-leveling, and will have a lovely sheen when dried. Paint all areas of the chairs and table (or chosen piece) with one thin coat. The paint will dry fairly quickly, within 30 minutes, so once the first coat is dry you may apply a second coat. Allow to dry.

Once the paint is fully dried, take the XOXO Pattern Mesh Stencil and remove it from the clear packaging and then peel from the white backing (keep these and do not throw away). Adhere the stencil to the surface of the piece, lining it up exactly how you would like it. Burnish the stencil (rub firmly all over) to make sure it is adhered everywhere with no gaps or bubbles. Take an Artist Brush or Squeegee and the Pasha White One Step Paint (or Well I Declare Gel Art Ink) and apply a small amount of paint to the stencil. Use the brush or squeegee to move the paint across the stencil, pushing the paint through the mesh to the piece below. Work quickly, within a few minutes, so the paint does not dry in the mesh. Once fully painted, carefully peel the stencil away from the surface and immediately wash the stencil.

IMPORTANT: Wash the stencil under warm water, massaging the non adhesive side with your fingertips in circular motions until all the paint is removed from the mesh. If you're not able to wash the stencil immediately, you may place in a water bath to keep the paint from drying in the mesh. Once washed, place adhesive side up to air dry. Once fully dry, you may return the stencil to the white backing and place inside the clear packaging to store for future use. 


Step 4: Finish

To keep your design protected, we recommend adding a finish on top. We used the Bright Idea Lacquer which adds a high gloss while also protecting the paint underneath. Take the lacquer spray and shake well for 2-3 minutes. Spray in sweeping motions back and forth across the surface of your piece, keeping the nozzle depressed and spraying with each pass until evenly coated. Allow to cure overnight.


Enjoy the Bragging Rights!

Now you can enjoy your newly improved and revitalized cafe table and chairs or other piece! You may use these same techniques with any color choices, any furniture piece, and any chosen stencil design. Just think outside the box and start creating!


Want to Enjoy the Bragging Rights? Join our community on the Amy Howard at Home Before and After Facebook page to share project photos, get inspired, and get tips and tricks from fellow finishers.

We can't wait to see what you create!

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