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How to Paint Wood Furniture

How to Paint Wood Furniture

, by Mary Kate King, 6 min reading time

Amy and Gene found this thrifted table and chairs in need of some TLC and wanted to show you all the steps of how they refinished them. This particular table cost $60 and the chairs were $10 each, but the value they have refinished far exceeds the purchase price. The best part is that this set got a new look and a new home instead of being put in the trash. Walk through this guide of each step so you can start Enjoying the Bragging Rights and rescuing furniture yourself! 

Products Used on Table:

Products Used on Chairs:

Additional Supplies Needed:

  • Liquid paint stripper
  • Putty knife
  • Lacquer thinner
  • Steel wool
  • Protective gloves
  • Bleach
  • Lint free rags
  • Fabric softener
  • 320 grit sandpaper


Amy and Gene found this table and chairs at the Haven House Thrift Store in Santa Rosa Beach, FL. It was in perfect condition, just a little outdated. They bought it, brought it the studio, and got to work!
Step One
If your piece has a clear lacquer or sealed top:
Use the Wedge Specialty Brush to generously coat the top of the table with the grain. If there is a leaf, pull it apart so the stripper does not get caught between the pieces. The surface will need to be horizontal unless you are using a gel stripper, then you can work vertically. Be sure to work in a well ventilated area. 
Once generously applying the stripper, let sit for about 20 minutes. If the stripper flashes off or evaporates before that time, feel free to apply more. 
Once the striped has been allowed to sit, use a flexible putty knife to start gently scraping the finish off the entire top of the piece. You may apply a second generous layer of stripper, allow to sit, and scrape again if needed. Once finished stripping, apply a layer of lacquer thinner and brush with steel wool to remove any excess clear coat from the piece. 
Step Two
Once the piece is down to the original wood, use the 2.5" Synthetic Chip Brush to brush the bleach on generously to the top. If you're able to work with the piece outside, the sun will speed up the bleaching process. Repeat as needed until you get the desired look. 
Once the top of the piece is bleached to the desired effect, take the Cerusing Wax and apply to the top with a lint free rag. Apply generously in a circular motion, pushing the wax into the grain of the wood and then smoothing out along the grain so no swirls are shown. Allow to dry for about 20-30 minutes, and then buff to a shine with a clean lint free rag.
Step Three
  Apply the Clean Slate to a lint free rag and rub the entire base of the piece, removing any grease, dirt, and surfactants that might be unseen. Once done and the Clean Slate is fully evaporated, take the One Hour Miracle Paint in Ballet White and begin applying to the base with the 2.5" Synthetic Chip Brush. Two thin coats will work best. 
Step Four
Take your One Step Paint, fabric softener, and water and mix together in a ratio of 1 part water, 1 part softener, and 2 parts paint. Mix until well combined. Take the spray bottle and mist the area of the fabric you will be working on first. You will mist the fabric before painting as you go. Using the synthetic chip brush, begin painting the fabric. Don't use too much paint or worry about any spots or colors still showing through. You will come back and add a second coat that will cover it. Continue to mist the fabric first, then paint until the piece is completely covered with the first coat. Allow to dry completely overnight. Once dry, lightly sand with 320 grit sandpaper, brush off the dust, and apply a second coat of paint. Once the second coat is completely dry, lightly sand with the 320 grit sandpaper and brush off any dust.
Step Five
 Take the Mind Your Own Beeswax and add a dollop to a piece of cardboard or cardstock (you can also use a paper plate). Add a small amount of Pompeii Grey Pigment Powder and mix until fully incorporated. Once mixed together, load a Natural Chip Brush with the wax, offload onto a piece of cardboard, and brush onto the painted fabric. If there is a design in the fabric, the wax will bring out that design underneath very subtly just like Amy's chairs. Use a large lint free rag balled up to pull the wax and bring out the design a little more. Allow the wax to dry for 30 minutes, then lightly buff with a lint free rag. 
Enjoy the Bragging Rights!
   When friends, family, and visitors ask where you got that amazing table and chairs, you can tell them you thrifted it, painted it yourself, and gave it new life.
Watch the tutorial to see the full process from start to finish.
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