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DIY On A Dime Series: Marble Counter Tops

DIY On A Dime Series: Marble Counter Tops

, by Gene Howard, 2 min reading time

Welcome back to our series: DIY On A Dime! This series is designed to help you save money while furnishing and decorating your house. With the prices of everything skyrocketing, we are here to help you stay on budget. We will walk you through the process step-by-step on how you can save thousands by doing the project yourself. In part three of this series we are showing you how you can give yourself DIY marble counter tops. P.s. scroll below for an awesome deal to save money on your must-have DIY products!

We've been inspired by our friends Meg & Joe Piercy. Who says you can't have the renovation of your dreams. Check out their channel to find out how you can save money on your next flip. Click here!

Marbled patterns are all the rage, but so expensive. Get a legitimate marble finish on your counters using the Amy Howard at Home Acrylic Glacier Resin. Cindy from Provincial Designs demonstrates how to achieve this finish. Marble counter tops can cost thousand of dollars (the national average is three grand!), do it yourself for only $140!!!

Shop the supplies you'll need here to stay on budget:

    This brings your grand total for supplies to only: $140.49

    Keep in mind, this project won't use up all of your supplies! Once you buy them, you will have leftovers to use on other projects, giving you the best bang for your buck.

    Step One
    Clean Surface With Clean Slate
    Step Two
    Paint Surface With One Step Paint And Let Dy
    Step Three
    Mix Resin According To Package Instructions
    Step Four
    Add Pigment To Resin Mixture (Cindy separated the Resin into three different cups so she could create three different colors of Resin)
    Step Five
    Begin pouring Resin Mixture Onto Surface (the first pour should cover the base of the surface, Cindy used her lightest color)
    Step Six
    Once It Has Set For Two Minutes, Pour Darker Colors In Strategic Stripes. Take Your Fingers And Begin Marbeling The Colors Together.
    Step Seven
    Use A Hair Dryer To Blow The Resin Around
    Step Eight
    Sprinkle Mica Powder On Top And Use The Blow Dryer Once More
    Step Nine
    Let Surface Dry For 12-24 Hours
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